Career Exploration Opportunity (CEO 2.0)

The Career Exploration Opportunity course, or CEO, is designed to help students learn decision-making skills and use provided resources to begin identifying possible career goals and how to reach these goals.  What are the important things to consider when attempting to narrow down a work or career goal that is both realistic AND interesting to you?  Once you have an identified goal, how do you find out what type of training you will need?  What qualifications will you need?  Are there training requirements you need to meet?  Questions like these can be difficult to navigate, but we help students start the process of finding the answers.  The Career Exploration Opportunity course will also focus on how to search for and obtain a job.  We help students look at job search tools, building resumes, developing interview skills, and learning work values that employers desire.  We introduce students to “soft skills” that can make or break opportunities to obtain and keep employment.  Finally, we teach students how to complete different types of job applications.  The skills learned in the Career Exploration Opportunity course will be invaluable as the student prepares for their transition into the workforce. 

Day 1: Modules will focus on defining their career goals and the preparedness to reach those goals. We will cover some resources that students can use to help in their career goal decisions. We will discuss some job-specific qualifications and licensures.
Day 2: Modules will focus on the process of obtaining employment, once a career goal is determined. Interviewing skills and how to complete resumes and applications. We cover a range of activities necessary for pre-employment in preparation for entering the workforce.
Day 3: Modules will focus on maintaining employment after a job is obtained and learning how to advocate for themselves in a professional environment. We will reinforce good job practices to ensure continued success in their chosen career path.


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