Crushing Your Interview!

The Crushing Your Interview Course is directed toward Pre-ETS students who are juniors and seniors in high school, preparing for their first job interviews.  It is a deep dive into the focused preparation and participation in various types of job interviews, including the development of resumes.  Students will gain greater knowledge of the lead up to an interview, including specific styles of dress, hygiene, and behaviors.  The information presented will be tailored to each individual student’s current vocational goal, providing them with a chance to focus on a more personal experience.  The attire and interview for a vehicle mechanic position will differ from a culinary chef or businessperson.  The students will be encouraged to dress as if they are attending a job interview for both camp days.  Students will be given the opportunity to use the skills learned in filmed mock interviews.  They will receive specific critiquing of their interview to learn their strengths and understand what they could improve.  Each student will be provided with an edited copy of their own mock interview video to keep for future reference. 

Day 1: Modules will focus on defining their career goals and preparing for the initial application and interview for said career. We will discuss general interview techniques, as well as different aspects of the ADA and how it relates to the interview. We discuss the leadup to the interview, and what to expect the “day of”. Appropriate dress for interviews will be discussed, and special focus will be placed on mannerisms and other preparatory behaviors that should be practiced before the actual interview.
Day 2: Modules will focus the performing of mock interviews. We will record each interviewee and discuss what they did well and what they need to work on. Each participant will be given a thumb drive with the edited footage of their interview to take home with them for future reference.
Day 3: Not available – 2 days only


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